Are You Like Most Americans?

If you’re like most Americans, your powerful nutrition regimen is to choose meat, accompanied by a potato or grain and a vegetable. These are probably the choices most of your neighbors and friends are eating, and are like the favorite foods that your parents fed you when you were growing up. You may be surprised to …

Minimize Kids Mindless Unhealthy Eating!

Kids who spend the most time on electronics had an increased intake of unhealthy snacks.
Whereas, kids who spend less time on electronics ended up eating more fruit and vegetables.
Simple solution: Set rules for your kids around electronics’ use!
Try to cut back on the time spend on electronics.

Vitamin D Deficiency Making You Sick?

Vitamin D deficiency is a widespread occurrence with significant implications for our health. Vitamin D deficiency is the rule, rather than the exception. Vitamin D deficiency allows a great number of abnormal health phenomena to occur including: Autoimmune/inflammatory diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis) Greater inflammation, as is reflected in higher C-reactive protein …

Worry About Hidden Gluten?

It’s important to know that gluten is hidden in a multitude of food products under different names that are not easily identified.

Morning Stretches!

Every morning we have the choice on how we start our day. When we take care of our bodies, our mental focus and memory improves. Our energy levels increase and risk of chronic disease decreases. I’ve put together 4 stretches that will improve muscle definition and posture. Make today the day you take care of …

Are you upsetting your stomach?

I’m Dr. Tony Rump, owner of the Lost Creek Chiropractic and Wellness. I want to talk about digestion. We’re getting into the holiday season where people, in general, are overSeating or eating more than they normally do because it’s available- and it is pretty d… good! So, the fact is that most of us, this …