Are you upsetting your stomach?

I'm Dr. Tony Rump, owner of the Lost Creek Chiropractic and Wellness. I want to talk about digestion. We're getting into the holiday season where people, in general, are overSeating or eating more than they normally do because it's available- and it is pretty d… good!

So, the fact is that most of us, this time of year, are going to eat a lot of food. When we're eating a lot of food we must be careful of our digestion. Once we overpower our digestion, our body cannot assimilate and cannot eliminate correctly, thus, giving us a lot of digestive problems.

These are just a few easy, simple things you could do:

Take Your Time. You must take your time. Smell the different foods. Appreciate the aroma. Chew the food slowly and chew it well. Savor the flavor. Make sure you're swallowing slowly.

Do not try to mix a lot of sugars and carbs with a lot of proteins. It really upsets your stomach. Tweet this!

Note: if you don't have a gallbladder, we need to talk because the gallbladder is so important in breaking down fats and this time of year we tend to have a ton of fatty foods. Some are good. Some are bad fats, but we still need to break them down. If you don't have a gallbladder, get a hold of me at we'll approach that.

Let’s talk probiotics. This is the way I approach probiotics, in my office. We're supposed to have a lot of good germs in our stomach. Antibiotics are like the Marines, they come in, and they'll kill ALL the germs. Antibiotics will kill ALL the germs-good and bad. We must replenish the good germs, that's where the probiotics come in.

Add a prebiotic to help your probiotic function better. Tweet this!

Acid is important to digest food. Sometimes, you must take medication to keep your acid to a minimum. Now, I get that it makes you feel better, and it might put out a pain or a fire immediately, and you might need it immediately. But there should be a time when you should want to rebuild your stomach and not just rely on a pill. That's what we're also talking about here, rebuilding the stomach, that's what probiotics are all about. You need to add more good germs to get that balance back in the stomach and intestines because if we're not taking care of the entrance and the exit, we can't assimilate anything, and we can't eliminate anything. In fact, we feel miserable.

The gut has been related to our sex drive, immunity, our brain, just about every system in the body can be linked back to our digestion.

It's rather important. Sometimes it takes up to 90 days or 120 days, to rebuild your digestive tract, that's what we want to do. During this season, you just need to take care of some things. You may want to go to a product that's called, Prosynbiotic it's from Standard Process. It has prebiotic in it, so it feeds itself. You just take a couple of them a day. I use it on babies, on infants. Take the capsule out, open it up, and put it with a bottle or whatever, have the mother take it, whatever you have to do to get it to the baby because if a baby has reflux, colic, that type of thing, probiotics are huge. In today's world, there is a decrease in the number of vaginal births, so the biotics, that first gulp coming through the vaginal canal, there are not a lot of germs that get in the body. So that's how our body and our stomach starts its process.

I remember when I was a kid, we would get really hungry, and my mother would tell us to go out in the garden and get something. We wouldn't be able to get in the cupboard. For one, we didn't have the money. For another, she wanted us in the garden weeding it. Plus, we would go out and eat turnips, radishes, tomatoes, carrots, and we would just clean it off and start chomping on it. It would be pretty gritty, but it would fill a thing. But, that dirt is so important for us and our digestive tract.

Those are good germs. It builds flora. It allows you to digest your food. Now I'm not saying, go out and eat a bunch of dirt well, unless you want to, but you have to take care of your digestive tract.

So, stop in and ask or email me and I'll reach out to you and explain how Prosynbiotic can help you. It is a kick butt product.


Tony Rump

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3021 Harding Hwy

Lima, Ohio 45804



Copyright © Dr. Tony Rump