Quantum Neurology®?

All illness is caused by blockages to the flow of this life energy, and therefore all illness can be treated by restoring this flow. What blocks this flow are subtle (meaning non-existent) subluxations or misalignments of the spine, which some chiropractors still claim they can correct with manipulations, restoring flow, and allowing the body to heal itself.

Morning Stretches!

Every morning we have the choice on how we start our day. When we take care of our bodies, our mental focus and memory improves. Our energy levels increase and risk of chronic disease decreases. I’ve put together 4 stretches that will improve muscle definition and posture. Make today the day you take care of …

Keeping the Spine Healthy as We Age!

Keeping the Spine Healthy as We Age! As we age, we experience aches and pains, some of which are natural signs of aging, and some that are a result of our lifestyle. It’s important to learn to distinguish between the natural changes in our body as a result of age and the pain that is …