Quantum Neurology®?

Quantum NeurologyHave you heard of Quantum Neurology®? Quantum Neurology® focuses on the evaluation and rehabilitation of every major nerve in the body. Proper nerve function is essential for health and well-being. Quantum Neurology® allows nerves that may be associated with painful or debilitating injuries, illnesses, or conditions to stabilize so that the body can heal itself.

This safe non-invasive technique allows the doctor to evaluate, strengthen, and rehabilitate every major nerve in the body.

All illness is caused by blockages to the flow of this life energy, and therefore all illness can be treated by restoring this flow. What blocks this flow are subtle (meaning non-existent) subluxations or misalignments of the spine, which some chiropractors still claim they can correct with manipulations, restoring flow, and allowing the body to heal itself.

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Doctors are taught how to strengthen weak muscles, activate lost sensation, and use the bodies’ natural actions, reactions and reflexes to achieve a desired result. When the body responds to rehabilitation it commonly demonstrates immediate improvement. Our experience has been when these weaknesses in the nervous system are strengthened; the body has the best opportunity to heal itself.


Patients have reported improvements with the following conditions after receiving Quantum Neurology® Rehabilitation:


To your health,

Dr. Tony Rump

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Have questions? Wondering Dr. Tony can help you? Give us a call today! We'll be glad to answer your questions and look forward to serving you!


3021 Harding Hwy

Lima, Ohio 45804



Copyright © Dr. Tony Rump