Sickness Care vs. Healthcare!

When's the last time you change the oil in your car? When's the last time you maintained anything in your life, maintained your phone, maintained your computer? When's the last time you did regular maintenance and cleaned your house?

We do maintenance, sometimes religiously. If we don't change the oil until something happens, sometimes it's a bigger deal, correct? So today, I would talk to you about maintaining our health compared to sickness care.

Sickness Care vs. Healthcare!


Sickness Care vs. HealthCare.Tweet this!

In today's world, I believe that we do have a healthcare crisis.

I don't believe what we hear on the news. Healthcare, according to what we're hearing, is Sick Care.


The crisis is mostly because we don't have enough money to pay to get the treatment we need for whatever they’ve diagnosed us.

In our office, we look at things, as if our body is supposed to be functioning.

We're supposed to maintain our health and wellness in the best we can.Tweet this!

If we do that, our problems don't seem to get so bad and life is a life of health, wealth and happiness. We always look for what's its going take to get you back to maintenance, so we can maintain a good, healthy body; that's Healthcare.

My office is a functional wellness office.

I'm Dr. Tony Rump with Lost Creek Chiropractic and Wellness. I’m organizing an Elite Success Neurology (coming early spring), where we deliver six weeks of care in two days!

· Sickness Care vs. Healthcare

Please, shift your focus to maintaining your health and not waiting for a problem to manifest and you'll see amazing results in your life.

Please check with us. Check back a lot to see more videos. Our goal is to help you have a best year ever.

Thank you.

To your health,

Related Article: There is no beach in San Antonio…

Tony Rump, D.C., QNCP

PS: This 3-Week Reset program is a powerful way to change your health quickly, without having to be “on another diet” or spending a ton of money on copays. You’ll wake up every morning, and instead of feeling exhausted, you’ll feel REFRESHED! This is your (no-cost for a limited time) entry point to a new and better YOU and a recharged life, from the inside out!

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Have questions? Wondering Dr. Tony can help you? Give us a call today! We'll be glad to answer your questions and look forward to serving you!


3021 Harding Hwy

Lima, Ohio 45804



Copyright © Dr. Tony Rump