Eat a Bit of Plant-Based Fat to Lose Weight?

Have you been thinking that you need to avoid fat when trying to lose weight? STOP!

Add some healthy fats to maintain a healthy weight.Tweet this!

Add some healthy fats to help with a whole lot of other body systems as well.

Adding plant-based fats is so important to maintain your health because fats do a lot more than just being effective at providing calories.


Dr. Tony Rump Healthy Fats

Fat is important to absorb fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K through your small intestine.

Healthy fat is also important for satiety. Having some healthy fat has been shown to make you feel fuller longer, so a lot of people feel better on a little bit of fat.

Finally, for the gals, fat supports hormone production, Hormones are important in our daily function, obviously; we need the fats to help to build those hormones.

Fats are also very important for healthy brain cells and healthy spinal cords.

Dr. Tony Rump Healthy Fats

The fat connected to our brain cells allows our neurologic system to communicate with itself so that your brain knows what your fingers and your toes are doing.

Look for fats in healthy places like nuts, avocados, and seeds. Tweet this!


Vitamin D Deficiency Making You Sick?

To Your Health,

Dr. Tony Rump

PS: The preservation of HEALTH is easier than the cure for Disease. My 3-Week Resetprogram is a powerful way to change your health quickly, without having to be “on a diet” or spending a ton of money on copays. You’ll wake up every morning, and instead of feeling exhausted, you’ll feel REFRESHED! THIS is your entry point to a new and better and RECHARGED life, from the inside out!



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3021 Harding Hwy

Lima, Ohio 45804



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